I'm going to india. Pretty crazy. In about three weeks too, which is even more crazy.
I figured I'd start a blog so every one can keep up wity my great adventure to Kodaikanal India. As the first entry, I'll start by explaining where I'm going, when I'm going, what I'm doing (as much as I know at least), and maybe talk alittle about why I'm going (although thats admitedly a difficult questins to answer.) Since I won't be able to talk to many of you in person about this trip until I get home, I figured these are the things you would most want to know.
Where am I going?: I'm going to Kodaikanal International School (http://www.kis.in/) in the state of Tamil Nadu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamil_Nadu) in southern India. It's a residential boarding school which serves k-12 students. From what I've heard, the student body is around 50% Indian, 40(ish)% Korean and 10% other.
Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Kodaikanal,+Tamil+Nadu,+India&aq=0&sll=37.160317,-95.712891&sspn=50.649654,113.818359&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Kodaikanal,+Dindigul,+Tamil+Nadu,+India&ll=10.238235,77.489147&spn=0.124162,0.222301&z=13
When am I going?: My first day at Kodai is scheduled as July 6th and I arrive home October 26th. I'm not teaching for the entire time I'm there though. The first day of classes is July 12th, which is very nice because that gives me almost a week to get over the time change and the culture shock. My last day of teaching is early October, which is followed by activity week in which students sign up for short trips and teachers chaparone them. Although this is officially listed as optional, I've heard its pretty much expected that I go along. Honestly, I won't complain though. It sounds like a really fun experience.
Following activity week, the plan is to take about two weeks to travel India. What we will see, I have no clue (We are taking suggestions). The group last year took a very interesting trip through dheli up to the Woodstock international school (the other Indian school that St. Olaf sends studetn teachers to), which we may or may not follow. Who knows?
What am I doing?: This is still a little hazy. My host teacher is a South African piano teacher named Benn. He sounds like a great guy, but I have to admit the placement seems a little strange. He isn't invloved with the band program at all, and only teaches piano. When I asked him what I would be doing, he said I would certainly be teaching brass lesson, be helping with at least one (probably two) of the bands, and that I could help with any classroom instruction that I wanted (within the music department of course). So as to exactly what I'll be doing, thats about all I know. I do know I will be teaching Middle School and/or High School students. I've heard several stories of student teachers having one day of observation before being given the classroom for the rest of their time there. I can't say if that will happen for me, but I'm certainly bracing for that level of autonomy and independence.
Why am I going?: Like I said before this is a really difficult question for me to answer. I've had to answer it a couple times in applications and interviews and I think I've finally come up with a satisfactory answer. Ultimatley its for many reasons. I've always wanted to study abroad for a significant amount of time. I spent three weeks in Germany as a High School student and really loved the experience. I find experiencing new cultures to be very exciting.
I was also really attracted to the prospect of having more independence. Part of me just wants to be thrown to the wolves to see what I can do. This same part of me also thinks that that may be the best way to learn. As Ms. Fizzle said in the magic school bus "take chances, make mistakes, get messy." Obviously I need to be careful because this is a real school with real students, not some made up testing ground.
Finally, I believe this will halp make me a better teacher. There will be significant culture and language barriers that I will need to over come. If the level of independence is what I an bracing for, that will become another challenge for me to get over. If I can teach myself to over come these hurdles though, I think I will be that much better as a teacher when I come back home.
As far as Pictures, I will be posting them on my photobucket. As soon as I put some pictures in it I can share the URL.
I'm putting this one up pretty early because the rest of june is looking pretty busy. Between My bother's and Cousin's weddings, my bothers reception back in Minneapolis, and all the preperations I will need to make for this adventure of a life time, I didn't think I would have any other chance to write this. My next post will probably be in July when I leave.
Keep your stick on the ice,